Eric's Writer Blog


Schedule Shift and Cerebus Syndrome

Filed under: Fracture War — Eric Mertz @ 2339

Sorry about the lack of a post today for Audemus Jura Nostra Defendere, but I discovered that it is a rather difficult story to write, and though I know Savid very well, I know him as the head of a pair of major Private Security Contractors and personal bodyguard of his good friend Samuel Anderson, not as the 1980’s Guerilla Leader trying to fight Saddam Hussein, the Ayatollah Ruhollah Mousavi Khomeini and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, the Kurdish Democratic Party, and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

As such, the story shall shift to a MONTHLY update format to allow me to get a better handle on who he once was and how I am going to handle the Halabja Poison Gas Attrocity in story in a way that will not turn off opponents of the Iraq War.

I am planning on writing that story for chapter three, and thus warn you now that the story will not be for the faint of heart, and will show, in full grisly detail, the effects of these chemical weapons on the populace of the city of Halabja.

I promise you here and now, that I will do my best to keep politics out of these stories, and to let the stories tell themselves.  The story of Halabja will be different.  The story of Halabja is but one in a long number of abuses conducted by the man known as “Chemical Ali,” a man who has yet to be punished for his crimes of humanity.

The story of Halabja, told from the point of view of a victim of the attack, will explain WHY I support the Iraq War.

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